
Jumat, 21 Mei 2010

just another commoners

heee.... posting terakhir udah 8 bulan yang lalu...!!!
Alamak, betapa produktifnya emak kita yang satu ini. Memalukan!
Jadi sempat berpikir, kira-kira ada berapa jumlah blog yang nasibnya macam blog saya ini, ya?
Sudah dibuat, lalu tak pernah lagi dilihat dan dirawat 'ibu'nya.
Bisa dibuat panti asuhan blog kali, ya....

Well, I guess i'm not more than the other common people, who look with envy eyes at those people with loads of creativity and creates so many in their lives. While in the mean while realising that I can do the same, but i just didn't do it. Or worse, saying that I can do better, if I want to...but in fact never do anything.

Ah, enough blabs, let's really write something

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